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What Is Pluralism Definition

Britannica English: Translating pluralism for Arabic speakers Rent regulation promises true pluralism, an ideal in which the multilingual needy has a deeply personal interest. Would liberals (not to mention what remains of Judaism) argue in Italy that petitioners promote „pluralism“? Wasn`t there a law against this type of pluralism that was tacitly accepted by critics and applied by them with relentless rigor? This type of pluralism is, of course, fundamentally incompatible with the requirements of my document. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word „pluralism.“ The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. If you believe in pluralism, you believe that people of all races, classes, religions and backgrounds should be able to get along on an equal footing in society. Climate justice must be a key aspect of the transition to pluralism in civic and historical education. Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article on pluralism See the full definition of pluralism in the dictionary of English language learners Can you hear the plural word, which means „more than one“, in pluralism? Someone who believes in pluralism, that there are many different ways of life and who thinks that government and society should be structured in such a way that people`s differences are encouraged and appreciated. The opposite extreme of pluralism is totalitarianism, when a supreme dictator makes all the decisions and no one can contradict him. In the Catholic Church, pluralism is also the practice of holding more than one office at a time. Space has provided a way to reflect on the challenge of pluralism and the promise of granting universal rights, because after all, no one is more alien than a space alien. All this makes the pluralism of the modern world a frightening and undesirable place. „Pluralism.“ Merriam-Webster.com dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pluralism. Retrieved 14 January 2022.

Not only is he wrong, but true patriots are those who defend pluralism in America. Apart from the two-state solution, the only issue that garnered reliable applause was religious pluralism in Israel. For this to work, acceptance of pluralism must be the rule, with national uniformity being the exception. A belief that different religious, ethnic, racial and political groups can thrive in a single society. In metaphysics, pluralism can also be an alternative to dualism and monism. A pluralist claims that there are more than two types of principles, while the dualist claims that there are only two and a monist only one. Pluralism is well entrenched in current political practice and requires a change in hierarchical and monistic theory. Pluralism, nepotism, simony and all other ancient abuses were more widespread than ever. Pluralism, not monism, is the fashion of the day, and some almost bring it to polytheism. .